Saturday, December 31, 2011

December and First Christmas

You got very good at moving around. On this day you did not want to take a nap so you set yourself up and cried until you ended up falling asleep sitting up.

You look so cute in your stocking cap!!

Before Aunt Lacey, Uncle TJ, and Grandpa Suthoff got here for breakfast Mommy and Daddy let you open one gift from us.

I had to help tear the paper, you contributed a little to the tearing.

Love reading!!!! :)

After your morning nap you were all smiles for Christmas day!!

Hanging with Grandpa Suthoff Christmas morning.

Christmas evening at Grandma Even's. Aunt Jamie got you the hat.

You liked standing on your boxes more than see what's inside.

Christmas at Ma and Pa's.

You started standing up this month. You have to have things at your height to help you push up.

You would move back and forth from presents.

This month has been very exciting for us. You've started crawling. You also like pulling yourself up on things. Aunt Lacey and Uncle TJ got you a little John Deere four wheeler for Christmas and you have been using that as your walking tool. You like to pull yourself up on it and scoot along with it.

You say the d sound every time there is a dog around. You had a stomach bug and I stayed home sick with you for the day and I swear you said Mama. You say baby and lots and lots of babbling. You talk all the time.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

We'll call it your first word and army crawl

Well at wonderful 6 months of age you began saying Dada a lot. Daddy was so excited. He had the biggest grin on his face!!! Now Dada is all we hear. Daddy is very proud and likes to gloat about it and you love making him smile.

You also began army crawling. It started out slow and you covered little bits of space. Now you're all over the place. One night it was 5pm and I was in the kitchen and you were in the living room and said to you: "Sophie it's dinner time, come get dinner!" Sure enough you got onto your belly and headed my way. I kept this over and over until you reached me. I was pretty proud of you and you had the biggest grin on your face. You also will crawl for a little bit stop and sit your self back up and then get back down on your belly. You will pull yourself up on all 4 but you'll just rock on your knees and then get down on your belly.

You are a power eatter too. You eat 4-6oz. bottles and 3 solid feeding of about 3 oz. of fruits or veggies and cereal.  You are also 9 month sleepers. You're getting tall. In all your other clothes you're wearing about 6-9 month.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Halloween

Your first Halloween was really busy!!! Aunt Lacey trick-or-treated with us. We trick-or-treated Grandma Even first at work at the mall. We saw Aunt Tammy, Taylor, and Paige while we were there. Grandma Even gave you a book and some money for your piggy bank. We then went to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's. There you trick-or-treated them and Grandma Suthoff. You got a Clifford book from Grandma Suthoff and a building block thing from Great Grandma & Great Grandpa. By the time we were heading home you were getting fussy and hungry so we asked Ma and Pa to come down and trick-or-treat you. Next year we'll plan things better so that we can trick-or-treat everyone. Ma and Pa gave you more money for your piggy bank. You were a very cute Strawberry Fairy!!!

Ears Pierced

You got your ears pierced on November 6, 2011. Aunt Lacey had to go with us because I wanted her to hold you when it happened. You did a great job. I feed you a bottle while it was being done which helped keep you calm until they pierced you. They did each ear individually so you cried a bit more than when you get your shots. You cried really hard and I picked you up and you calmed down very shortly. Your Aunt Lacey even commented 'Is that it?' I didn't get good pictures of the action because I had to look away and then was concerned with your crying that I forgot to take pictures. You look so cute!!!

You're doing great with them. You haven't tugged at them and you sleep fine on them. You daddy was concerned with the earrings being so loose. He made his first girl mistake. He pushed the backs on further. When he told me I had to clarify to him that were special backs and earrings and they won't fall off. Daddy and me had to work together to get them loose again. It was funny after the fact and Daddy realizes he has a lot to learn about girls.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

5 & 6 month of life

Wow what an amazing month it has been. You have been doing all kinds of amazing things in the last month. You began you first solid food on carrots and you absolutely loved them. We then moved onto peas and you were a little hesitant at first but then took off with them. We decided to start feeding you more solids through out the day when you started lunging for the spoon when we feed you. The first day you had cereal, bananas, and some milk for breakfast, peas and milk for lunch, peas and milk for dinner too and then a bottle for bed time. Sweet potatoes are next on your menu. You have also tried mashed potatoes and absolutely loved them.
Mmmm carrots!!!

Hahaha Daddy I love peas, that means you're going to have to join me in eating them.

Cereal and bananas, good breakfast!

You really look like your daddy when you're tired in the morning. :)

Oct. 9th you went to your first Hartsburg Pumpkin Festival. You just loved it and observed everything around you.

Also on the 9th you finally set for a while by yourself.
Sitting on your bedroom floor, even with a cloth diaper on! :)

Riding around in the laundry basket!!
Holding your pink cameo Bass Pro bottle.
Holding your bottle for the first time!!!

Daddy's little angel.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


You started at the babysitter August 15th. Daddy takes you to the babysitter (Julie) in the morning so that Mommy can go to work earlier and leave right after school to come get your pretty little self. She said you're such a great little baby. You were very exhausted the first few weeks. She said you hardly took any naps because there was so much to see. Therefore Mommy and Daddy had a very fussy baby on their hands in the evening. We started you on cereal a couple of weeks before you started at the babysitter so that you would be used to it when you started with her. You also decided to have a growth spurt after you started with Julie and now you eat 6 oz. 5 times a day and 2 cereal feedings. Yet in all the excitement of the babysitter you're still an awesome sleeper. You sleep from about 8:30 p.m. till about 7:30 a.m. (except on week days we wake you at 6:30 a.m.). You're doing such a great job with Julie and the other kids just love having you around! :)

It's been a while

It's been a while since Mommy updated your blog. Well in month two of your life you rolled from you tummy to your back. We tried video taping it but you just would never do it when we were ready. You don't do it a whole lot. In month 3 of your life you rolled from your back to your tummy but both Mom and Dad missed it. I was in the kitchen and Daddy was sitting right next to you but intently watching the TV. I came in from the kitchen and asked Daddy if he put you on your tummy? It was about another week before we actually got to witness it happen. Now sometimes at night you won't completely go to sleep and you'll flip yourself onto your back and get mad. Starting in August you loved locking your legs anytime someone held you up so I put together your exersaucer and you have been in love with it ever since. So needless to say you hardly want to spend any time on the ground. In August you also had your 4 month check-up. You weighed 11.8 lbs. and 23 3/4 in. long. You also got more shots and handled them pretty well. It was a pretty intense scream at first but after you were in Daddy's arms you shortly calmed down. Your hair is starting to get thicker. You are now wearing 3-6 month clothes at 4 months and 4 weeks old. I had to put your smaller clothes away today and was a little sad since some of them you hardly wore and they are so cute! The doctor says you're going to be a petite baby. Which after talking to Grandma Irma she said all your aunts, uncle, and Daddy were small too. You got your first cold at the beginning of September. I had it first then passed it to Daddy and he must of passed it on to you. I sure hate you feeling crummy. However, no matter what you're still a very happy go luck baby. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Look at me grow!!!

Cute moments captured over the second month of your life and the beginning of your third month of your life!
This was taken on 6/13/11, so you weren't quite 2 months. You love cuddling with Betsy!

Helping Mommy cook a pie for the guys at Daddy's work.

6/21/11, you're such a sleepy head in the morning.

Talking with Mommy!

Telling Mommy a big story! :)

Oh the comfort that Betsy brings!

'Look Mommy and Daddy I can hold my head up real well, oh yeah are you wanting me to go to sleep!?' Daddy turned on your mobile and you caught sight of it and didn't rest your head until it quite moving. As of 6/26/11 (Mommy's birthday) you were doing awesome holding your head up!

Blowing bubbles while having tummy time!

New rattles, right after this picture you tossed them because your little hands couldn't quite get a good hold on them.

Happy 4th of July!!! Thank you Amber Moore for this beautiful dress!!! You slept through the fire works at Ma and Pa's house, next year hopefully you can stay up to watch them!

First half day at baby sitter. You did great!!

TV junkies!!! Not a whole lot of burping getting done here.

Story time before bed, I guess Daddy caught your attention.

Isn't this adorable, this is what I found after I got done walking on the treadmill.

Rocking out in my shades when I went around town with my cousins Taylor and Paige! Thanks Angela for the sunglasses!

Look how much better I sit in my bumbo seat!!! I'm so close to being ready to sit on my own except I seem to fall forward after a few seconds! :)

You are SSSOOOO cute in your bib overalls! Aunt Lacey bought these bibs shortly after I told her that I was pregnant with you. They sure look cute with your purple onsie and bow! You're 3 months in this picture and you've out grown your 0-3 month bib overall because you're getting too long for them.

Helping Mommy cook dinner! Doing even better in bumbo seat! I'm so proud of you! You're developing great and growing like a weed!!!