You got very good at moving around. On this day you did not want to take a nap so you set yourself up and cried until you ended up falling asleep sitting up.
You look so cute in your stocking cap!! |
Before Aunt Lacey, Uncle TJ, and Grandpa Suthoff got here for breakfast Mommy and Daddy let you open one gift from us. |
I had to help tear the paper, you contributed a little to the tearing. |
Love reading!!!! :) |
After your morning nap you were all smiles for Christmas day!! |
Hanging with Grandpa Suthoff Christmas morning. |
Christmas evening at Grandma Even's. Aunt Jamie got you the hat. |
You liked standing on your boxes more than see what's inside. |
Christmas at Ma and Pa's. |
You started standing up this month. You have to have things at your height to help you push up. |
You would move back and forth from presents. |
You say the d sound every time there is a dog around. You had a stomach bug and I stayed home sick with you for the day and I swear you said Mama. You say baby and lots and lots of babbling. You talk all the time.