Thursday, April 21, 2011

Vistors while in the hospital

On your birthday, 4/19/11:
Aunt Lacey and Uncle TJ, Grandma Kara, and Grandpa John were all anxiously waiting in the waiting room.
Through out the day the rest of the family came to visit:
Grandma Irma, Aunt Jamie, Rick, Goldie, Uncle Travis, Aunt Tammy, Taylor, Paige, Uncle William, Frank and Katie, Erika

The next day, 4/20/11:
Betty Jo, Grandma Irma, Uncle William, Rick, Aunt Lacey, Mike, Emily, and Asher, Diana and Sarah Jones, Goldie, Uncle TJ, Grandpa Jim, Zach, Addie, and Tyler Krieger, Aunt Jamie, Tyler, and Lane, Great Uncle Jack and Great Aunt Alice

Aunt Lacey

Aunt Tammy

Cousins- Taylor & Paige



Uncle William

Your Birthday

Mommy and Daddy went to the hospital at 6am on April 19th, 2011. They got me ready for the c-section to happen at 8am. I final got taken to the operating room around 8am and you were born at 8:31am. When you were born they said your feet were up by your head and by the way that you like to suck you've probably been enjoying your toes for the last few months. Daddy first heard that you were a girl when they were pulling you out and my doctor said 'oh she's pooping.' I heard what you were after that first cry and they said we have a beautiful girl. I couldn't help but cry when I heard you for the first time and getting to see your precious little self laying in the bed across the room from me. Daddy got to hold you first but he brought you to me so that I could see you and kiss you. I got to hold you for a short little bit on my chest. Then Daddy got to go to the nursery with you and see you get measured and your first bath. You measured 7lbs. and 1 oz. and 19.5 inches long. You were such a perfect little size. By the time you got done getting cleaned up and I was done being sewed up we met in the recovery room. Daddy and the nurse came in saying that you were ready to nurse because you had already been sucking your thumb in the nursery. Sure enough you were ready. After Daddy and the nurse got me positioned right (because I still couldn't feel below my chest) the nurse gave you to me and you latched right on. We have been so blessed with you taking right to nursing. Nursing is such a special moment with you and Daddy has been an amazing help in nursing you. Also on your birthday Daddy got experience his first poopy diaper change all on his own. The first two times that day a nurse always happened to pop in when you diaper was poopy but that last poopy diaper for that day he didn't get so lucky. It was quite a learning experience for Daddy and very funny. After about 5-10 minute diaper change Daddy was finally able to get a clean diaper onto you. We love you so much and can't wait to take you home so that Daddy can spend more time with you and you can enjoy your cute little room.

Preparing Mommy for the c section.

P.S. 4/18/11

Mommy went turkey hunting the day before you were born. I was 39 weeks pregnant with you and still feeling good. I shot at a bird, it rolled back, and then got up and flew away. Mommy and Daddy walked through the woods to the right of Great Grandpa's lake and never found the turkey. Mommy's hoping for her first mother's day she will be able to redeem herself and get a bird.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Breech Baby

Not the best picture. You weighed 7lbs. 3 oz. at this ultra sound.
On Wednesday, 4/6, we found out through ultra sound that you were breech. Dr. Dodson recommended trying to turn you and get you ready for delivery. So Friday after school your dad and me went to the hospital to have the doctor attempt to turn you. She pushed on the outside of stomach. She tried to push your butt up towards my chest and your head down towards my toes. She pushed around on my tummy for a good 10 minutes and your little tush just wouldn't move out of the pelvic area. I guess you found a good seat and didn't want anyone to take it. ;) Therefore we were told that you birthday was going to be scheduled and you were going to arrive via c section. I'm so excited to know that you will be here in time for Easter and you will get to see your mommy and daddy get confirmed! While I am a little nervous but I know that you are so worth it. Hopefully we will find out tomorrow when your birthday will be! We can't wait to kiss you and love on you none stop!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Maternity Pictures

Today Aunt Lacey took pictures of you in my belly at your great grandpa's farm.