Not the best picture. You weighed 7lbs. 3 oz. at this ultra sound.
On Wednesday, 4/6, we found out through ultra sound that you were breech. Dr. Dodson recommended trying to turn you and get you ready for delivery. So Friday after school your dad and me went to the hospital to have the doctor attempt to turn you. She pushed on the outside of stomach. She tried to push your butt up towards my chest and your head down towards my toes. She pushed around on my tummy for a good 10 minutes and your little tush just wouldn't move out of the pelvic area. I guess you found a good seat and didn't want anyone to take it. ;) Therefore we were told that you birthday was going to be scheduled and you were going to arrive via c section. I'm so excited to know that you will be here in time for Easter and you will get to see your mommy and daddy get confirmed! While I am a little nervous but I know that you are so worth it. Hopefully we will find out tomorrow when your birthday will be! We can't wait to kiss you and love on you none stop!!!
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