Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Happy First Birthday!!

Mmmm Tigger cake!!!

Yah!!! Presents!!!!!

Birthday present!

Birthday breakfast!!

Tigger cake, made by mommy!
Mommy and Daddy's birthday

You got to celebrate your second Easter this year. your crawled after the eggs but you had a blast.

Easter bunnies gift.

I'm late updating about your first birthday. Aunt Lacey, Uncle TJ, Pa, Daddy, and Mommy helped celebrate your first birthday. I was more excited about your first birthday than my birthday. It was a very special day for me!!!! You had a carrot cake for your birthday but only ate the icing. On Saturday the 21st we had your Tigger party. Great-Grandma Morris, Grandma Suthoff, Grandma Even, Randy, Grandpa Riegel, Grandpa Suthoff, Uncle Travis, Aunt Tammy, Paige, Taylor, Aunt Jamie, Uncle TJ, Aunt Lacey, Ma, Pa, and Frank were all ate your party. I made you a Tigger cake that you just tore into. You had a great party!!!

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